regular coffee

美 [ˈreɡjələr ˈkɔːfi]英 [ˈreɡjələ(r) ˈkɒfi]
  • 普通咖啡
regular coffeeregular coffee
  1. Regular coffee or decaf ?


  2. In two breast cancer analyses , decaffeinated had the same nonrelationship as regular coffee .


  3. ' And just a regular coffee for me , 'I said .


  4. But the research was done on people who were not regular coffee drinkers .


  5. The show goes through 32 pots of regular coffee on show day and over 100 cases of water a week .


  6. And it can give a boost to those who aren 't regular coffee drinkers .


  7. The researchers found that men who drank regular coffee containing caffeine had a lower risk of gallstone disease .


  8. Men who drank four or more cups of regular coffee each day had a45 percent lower risk .


  9. Most of us have regular coffee habits , so you learn how many scoops you want and how much water you need .


  10. With respect to cardiovascular disease , decaffeinated coffee did not seem to have the same protective effects as regular coffee .


  11. A study showed that regular coffee consumption is associated with better endothelial function in elderly subjects , and provides a new connection between vascular health and nutrition .


  12. This could all be followed by regular coffee , cappuccino , expresso , latte or a selection of teas .


  13. Another investigation published in2005 found that people who consumed decaffeinated coffee had higher levels of certain cholesterols in their blood than those who consumed regular coffee .


  14. The other key advantages of GM decaffeinated coffee , says the researchers , are that it should be cheaper and retain all the taste of regular coffee .


  15. Caffeine content goes up as the water spends more time in contact with the grounds , so regular coffee often has more of it than espresso or cappuccino .


  16. And what a taste it was . I 'm a regular coffee drinker and I have to say it was by far the best caffeine fix I 'd had .


  17. Decaffeinated coffee was also protective against lung cancer , not as protective against Parkinson 's disease , and protective against diabetes and overall mortality , but perhaps to a lesser extent than regular coffee .


  18. Can I just get a regular cup of coffee ?


  19. He needs regular fixes of coffee throughout the morning .


  20. Color coded satellite faucets available for regular or decaffeinated coffee , tea ;


  21. Not indulging in your regular tea , coffee or smoking break can create suspicion about your status .


  22. NO.46 What will probably happen in the future to stores that sell only regular brands of coffee ?


  23. If you are a regular drinker of coffee , drinking it just eases the symptoms of caffeine withdrawal .


  24. Regular and moderate coffee consumption has been shown to lower the risk of developing dementia , Parkinson 's disease , Alzheimer 's disease , and depression .


  25. When savers forego their regular cup of coffee or a taxi ride , they can click on an appropriate icon on their phone , and the bank will automatically deposit money in their account .
